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First Ritual - Igniting your Light and Power


This may be the most important ritual of all that you may choose to add to your morning/daily rituals. 


You can think of it as re-awakening yourself to the deepest truths about you while remembering what it does to your energy field. 


Would you benefit starting your day from this expanded place?


You can either listen to them here by clicking the play button, or download them to your computer or phone by clicking on the name of the file to the right.


I recommend you use recording #1 every morning within 15min after you wake up or when you can each day.  Each audio is about 2 min. If you have time, use #2 while looking into the mirror, and #3 to hold that space for your partner from the retreat and anyone else in your life. You can use all or just #1.

Creation is continuous, day after day


Today add a little something to your day to enhance your creation. It's better to do a tiny bit for 2 minutes than nothing at all. 


As shared during your retreat, energy accumulates, every little bit you do adds to the last part...


Throughout the coming weeks you will receive more videos, audios and instructions to enhance your rituals, your wellbeing and reset daily. 


If you have any question, email me or text me: 917-678-2499


I honor, see and acknowledge you as an incredible being of love, light and magical powers.

I welcome them into the world for all of us to benefit from.


In service to your great potential! 



Pranic Healing and Yoga mini-Retreat

Tools to reset daily and fuel your life

Remembering your power to affect others and yourself

Meet Dr. Rosenthal - Pygmalion Effect

You are a creator in your life


The question is how?


Most of it comes from your daily rituals.


Some of us have common daily rituals/habits like taking a shower in the morning and drinking our favorite coffee.


Some of us meditate, exercise, practice yoga, chant or all the above and more... 


The question is: "what rituals would provide the optimal expansion, alignment and balance so you can start each day with an open heart, clear mind, powerful body and radiant energy system?"


How can you and I start each day embracing our great power to create something new?

We are all teachers, influencing someone in our lives: our family, our friends, colleagues, clients and ourselves...


As you use the exercises below keep in mind this profound influence we have on others and ourselves through the pygmalion effect=our expectations!


Ask yourself:

"How can I use this power to serve those I love?"

"Who could I see in a whole new way?"

"What if I expected that person to bloom this year?"

"What if I expected myself to bloom this year?"

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